This first set of photos is rather lame BUT I took the whole series just to show you, so show you I will.
I present The making of my father's birthday cake

Filling up the cake pan - so far so good - yes maybe I did use too much Pam

Out of the oven - we are looking good

Awwww crap - now what do I do?

Glue and ignore you say? Okay I can do that!

We are almost done :-)

YAY finished - how bad does the destroyed flower look? Well it's just special and everybody loves special things :-)
And then we come to the corn party.
The corn party is a "block party dressed in yellow" It is really a lot of fun so this year Jim and I were happy to go AND I offered to make the dessert - remember the whole it's a block party dressed in yellow AND the it is a lot of fun? Well... those two things mean there is often a LOT of people so I felt like there needed to be a LOT of cupcakes... And there were! 76 to be exact!!

The baby corn asks his mama corn: Where do baby corns come from? Mama says "I told ya before, the stalk (stork) brought ya.

2 corn cobs were walking downtown and the first cob noticed that they were being followed by another strange cob everywhere they went. The first cob whispered to the second cob "Don't look know but I think we are being followed by a stalker"

Question: What does poisoned corn flakes have in common with Charles Manson?
Answer: They are both Cereal (Serial) Killers.

Q: What do old people and farmers have in common?
A: They’ve both got corns!
Really though I had a great time Jim loved playing rock paper scissors (I was out pretty fast) and give away checkers (apparently you have to lose to win) and then the suitcase throw (practicing to work on an airline I called it) and many many other games. What ALWAYS surprises me most is how easily Tony can get people tlaking... He gets everyone in a huge circle and poses three questions and has everyone answer them either out loud or privately and it's a great ice breaker
This year:
How did you get your name?
Where were you born?
And a job one of your grandparents had?
If you want to answer feel free - I think I will follow Tony's lead and send a prize to one person who answers the questions - On Tuesday I will put names of whoever answers in a hat and send a little token gift :-)
Wow Joy! You've been busy! That's a lot of cupcakes each intricately designed!!! They are adorable. The cake is a cute idea too. For your questions:
How did you get your name?
-My parents just liked it.
Where were you born?
And a job one of your grandparents had?
-Mail Carrier
The cake and cupcake designs look great. You must have spent forever making all that corn. Very impressive.
Answers to questions:
- From two of my parents grandmothers, one Mary, one Anne.
- Maine
- Doctor
Those corn cupcakes are so cute!
1. My first name is after my mom, Michelle and her father, Michael. My middle name (Terese) is after my maternal grandmother, Theresa.
2. Quincy, MA
3. Grandfather = bricklayer
1. I was named after my mother. I was supposed to be Jennifer, but then she was too drugged up after delivery that she just named me after her.
2. Worcester MA
3. My grandfather was a florist and my grandmother worked for a swedish stainless steel company.
I love the cake and the cupcakes - too cute!
I LOVE the cupcakes!!! SOOOO CUTE! I miss you!
How freaking cool are those little corn cupcakes! Those are amazing!
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